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Search in the scopes of accredited CABs

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Scopes of accredited CABs are updated daily.


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Search hits: 101

TEST 002 Nordisk Institutt for Odontologiske Materialer AS (NIOM as)
Technical field
P15 Metallurgy

Home page:
TEST 178 Norconsult Norge AS
Technical field
P11 Information technology

Home page:
TEST 045 Nofima AS
Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis
P24 Molecular biology

Home page:
TEST 035 NIBIO - Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi
Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis
P24 Molecular biology
P31 Flexible accreditation

Home page:
TEST 066 Nexans Norway AS
Technical field
P05 Electrical testing

Home page:
TEST 259 Net Emballasje- og produkttesting AS
Technical field
P07 Physics

Home page:
TEST 182 Nemko System Sikkerhet AS
Technical field
P11 Information technology

Home page:
TEST 033 Nemko Scandinavia AS
Technical field
P03 Fire
P05 Electrical testing
P17 Environment
P18 Behaviour
P20 Safety

Home page:
TEST 032 Nemko Norlab AS
* Partially suspended (Voluntary or involuntary)

Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis
P19 Sensorics
P27 Veterinary medicine
P3002 Air sampling
P31 Flexible accreditation

Home page:
TEST 004 Nedre Romerike Vann- og Avløpsselskap IKS
Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis
P3001 Sampling waste water
P3099 Flow measurement of waste water

Home page:
TEST 046 MjøsLab iks
Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis
P3001 Sampling waste water
P3099 Flow measurement of waste water

Home page:
TEST 280 Microsafe AS
Technical field
P16 Microbiological analysis
TEST 206 Matråd AS
Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis
P24 Molecular biology

Home page:
TEST 089 Mat-Miljølaboratoriet AS
Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis
P24 Molecular biology

Home page:
TEST 322 Material Testing AS
Technical field
P13 Corrosion
P14 Mechanics
P15 Metallurgy

Home page:
TEST 037 Labora AS
Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis
P24 Molecular biology
P3001 Sampling waste water
P3099 Flow measurement of waste water
P31 Flexible accreditation

Home page:
TEST 236 Kvam Veterinærkontor AS
Technical field
P12 Chemical analysis
P16 Microbiological analysis

Home page:
TEST 273 Kristiansand Kommune Ingeniørvesenet
Technical field
P3001 Sampling waste water
P3099 Flow measurement of waste water

Home page:
TEST 196 Kripos
Technical field
P02 Ballistics
P03 Fire
P07 Physics
P12 Chemical analysis
P29 Forensic examinations
P30 Sample collection
P31 Flexible accreditation
P32 Interpretations and opinions
P99 Other technical areas

Home page:
TEST 006 Kiwa AS
Technical field
P13 Corrosion
P14 Mechanics
P15 Metallurgy
P17 Environment

Home page: