Norwegian accreditation

Accreditation scope for

INSP 070

Labora AS

Labora AS - fiskehelseavdelingen

Klinkerveien 8
8006 Bodø

Telephone: 75566300
The inspection body meets the requirement in

NS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012

Accreditation includes:
The administrative / geographical unit:
Labora AS - fiskehelseavdelingen
Klinkerveien 8
8006 Bodø

Is accredited as Inspection body type C covering following areas:
Field of inspection
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
FOR-2008-06-17-822: Regulations relative to the operation of aquaculture installations 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
FOR-2007-01-16-50: Regulations concerning the use of pharmaceuticals for animals 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
FOR-2012-12-05-1140: Regulations concerning control of salmon lice in aquaculture farms 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
FOR-2014-12-15-1831: Forskrift om fangstbasert akvakultur 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
LOV-2001-06-15-75: Lov om veterinærer og annet dyrehelsepersonell [dyrehelsepersonelloven] 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
FOR-2008-06-17-820: Forskrift om transport av akvakulturdyr 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
LOV-2009-06-19-97: Lov om dyrevelferd 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms.
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
FOR-2006-10-30-1250: Forskrift om slakterier og tilvirkingsanlegg for akvakulturdyr 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms.
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
LOV-2003-12-19-124: Lov om matproduksjon og mattrygghet mv. (matloven) 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms.
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
FOR-2008-06-17-821: Forskrift om godkjenning og bruk av desinfeksjonsmidler i akvakulturanlegg og transportenheter 
Field of inspection
Health control; farmed fish in brood stock, hatcheries and sea farms
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
FOR-2022-09-08-1573: Forskrift om legemidler til dyr 